About Velo Creek Cycling Club

We are Family.
On & Off the bike, we are family. Some of the best folks we have met came out to "just check out a ride" and then loved what they came for. That's what we strive for & we want you to come ride and be family too! We ride together because we enjoy each other. We ride together because we believe in the culture that this club brings. We all work towards being better cyclists, but more importantly we work towards being connected people. We take care of our friends and family while we are in the saddle. We support them and want to make sure they make it home. You will often find us after a ride enjoying a meal together. This is how we do cycling.
Mission Statment
Velo Creek Cycling Club (VCCC) is a group of individual recreational cyclist in the Oviedo, FL area. The main focus of the group is to promote a safe and fun cycling experience for each other, to create camaraderie among fellow cyclists, and to have great fun! We promote heath/fitness through bicycling and work together to develop group-riding skills. In addition, VCCC cyclists look to participate in charitable riding events and to engage actively in the community in a positive way.
We support each other
We learn from each other & we get better and better all the time because of each other. If you want to grow as a cyclist, you will find individuals here who are always willing to share their knowledge and experiences. No egos. Sure, you'll find a healthy dose of good-natured trash talk here at times, but we always have our hand ready to assist our brothers and sisters in Velo Creek Cycling Club. Whether it be cadence, shifting, gear, nutrition, or whatever - we are probably talking about it and sharing with one another.

Our Story....
Velo Creek Cycling Club (VCCC) is a non-profit organization that seeks to promote the community & create a positive experience among cyclists.....but it didn't start there. Our roots began in a bike shop in the heart of Oviedo. Velo Creek Bike & Brew is where several of the club's founding members met and began our riding journey. There in that bike shop we would drink some of the best coffee in town after our rides. We would begin to build speed, skills, & friendships. The bike shop has since closed, but this club has grown into something that we are proud of. We hope that you will come be a part of it too.