Velo Creek Cycling Club Membership
Membership News
In the Beginning we formed as a group of cyclists who loved riding together. We created a community of cyclists who bond over cycling. We started as a bike shop club, but have become so much more since the closing of the Bike & Brew shop. As an independent club, we have a need to protect our members & to create an environment that is positive. We seek to develop skills as cyclists, support our community, & develop relationships. Beginning with the 2018 Season Velo Creek Cycling Club will move to a membership roster format. The purpose of this format is to ensure that all of our club members are protected during all of our rides & events. We have established rules of engagement & protections that can be found in our by-laws. While state incorporation & insurance requirements do not allow us to have a fully open roster, we have established membership criteria that is still welcoming and is not burdensome - make no mistake - we want you to be a member! We want to ride with you and share in our fun!
Membership News
In the Beginning we formed as a group of cyclists who loved riding together. We created a community of cyclists who bond over cycling. We started as a bike shop club, but have become so much more since the closing of the Bike & Brew shop. As an independent club, we have a need to protect our members & to create an environment that is positive. We seek to develop skills as cyclists, support our community, & develop relationships. Velo Creek Cycling Club operates w/ a membership roster format. The purpose of this format is to ensure that all of our club members are protected during all of our rides & events. We have established rules of engagement & protections that can be found in our by-laws. While state incorporation & insurance requirements do not allow us to have a fully open roster, we have established membership criteria that is still welcoming and is not burdensome - make no mistake - we want you to be a member! We want to ride with you and share in our fun, so we have made it easy to be part of the Velo Creek family.
There are two easy ways to become part of Velo Creek Cycling Club:
All Velo Creek cycling apparel (jersey, shorts, or bibs) include VCCC Membership (first piece per person includes membership)
Small $15 annual membership fee if you do not wish to have any of the Velo Creek Cycling apparel
Why Join?
You will be joining a family of dedicated cyclists who believe in having fun, improving cycling skills, & working as a team. You become part of the Team - you instantly will have a group of cyclists that support you and want you to succeed. We participation in cycling events as a team and work together to make it successful for each of us. Whether your cycling goals are social or team oriented, you will find a home here.
Your membership will include the following benefits:
Access to all of Velo Creek club rides, training rides, team events, and any other Velo Creek Cycling events (includes access to SAG if the club has arranged its own independent support for specific events)
Access to club funds to cover some charitable donations for events (amount and event determined by club); Note: VCCC Jersey required during event/greater proportion of funds will be allocated if both Jersey & shorts/bib are worn
Ability to create and host rides with the group
VCCC Community forums
Access to all club-specific events, workshops, or gatherings
Special discount from VCCC partners such as 10% off Bearded Bike Doc services,10% off Maple Street Biscuit Company, & other partner discount offers (subject to changes)
Liability coverage for riders while attending Velo Creek rides
Full voting privileges on club directions/decisions
The VCCC Cycling Kit
The 2020-21 Velo Creek Cycling Kit is Primal Evo 2.0 Design Cut. Please review sizing information when ordering as kits are customer order and non-refundable.
NOTE: Please select your size before clicking "Buy Now".
Velo Creek Cycling 2020-21 Full Kit + 2 yr Membership

Men's Primal Evo 2.0 FULL KIT (w/ Bib) $199
Men's Primal Evo 2.0 FULL KIT (w/Shorts) $194
Women's Primal Evo 2.0 FULL KIT (w/ Bib) $199
Women's Primal Evo 2.0 FULL KIT (w/ Shorts) $194

Velo Creek Cycling 2020-21 Jersey + 2 yr Membership
Men's Primal Evo 2.0 Jersey $95
Women's Primal Evo 2.0 Jersey $95
Velo Creek Cycling 2020-21 Short/Bib + 2 yr Membership

Men's Primal Evo 2.0 Bib $115
Men's Primal Evo 2.0 Shorts $110
Women's Primal Evo 2.0 Bib $115
Women's Primal Evo 2.0 Shorts $110
The VCCC Annual Membership (No Kit)
No kit is required to be a part of the Velo Creek Cycling Club community. While we hope that you would love to wear the Velo Creek cycling apparel, it is not required. you can also join Velo Creek Cycling Club (VCCC) for $25 on an annual basis.